
New Zelda 2 Speedrun PB!

zelda 2 new game plus

Zelda 2 is one of the most glorious NES games ever made. Many would disagree but I would call those people idiots… nah I wouldn’t. But I would think it in my head.

The game is an action RPG gem.

Even as a kid I could appreciate its amazingness. Even when I was lost for a full year and could not find the hidden town of Kasuto, I still loved to play this game.

Because my love for this game is so strong, it was the first game I chose to speedrun. Many veteran runners told me it would be a death sentence to begin with Zelda 2, but contrary to their warning, I love it!

Here is a New Game+ No Out of Bounds Zelda 2 speedrun I completed a few weeks ago. It currently places 8th on

I will continue to improve on this time and look forward to making progress on this, and other Zelda 2 speedruns!

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