
Rayman Legends: Games With Gold

rayman legends

For those who don’t know, Xbox releases a few free games each month between their Xbox 360 and Xbox One consoles. These games are downloadable for Xbox users who have an Xbox Live Gold membership. Hence the name, Games with Gold. This month’s Xbox One title is Rayman Legends.

Rayman is an old, classic platformer that recently got a nice reboot using next generation technology. The graphics and newly designed levels are beautiful as well as challenging.

I have had tons of fun playing this game and the platforming elements take me right back to playing games on my NES and SNES systems. Rayman Legends really captures the fun and goofy style of gameplay that consoles once highlighed with games like Mario Bros., Sonic the Hedgehog, and Megaman.

There aren’t many high quality, fun platformers that are released in the next generation of gaming consoles, but luckily we have Rayman Legends.

Here is the newest episode of First Take which highlights this awesome, and free game!

If you are up for the challenge, I highly suggest downloading Rayman Legends and giving the game a go. It is fun, addicting, and highly rewarding.

So are you up for the challenge? Let me know by commenting below!

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